An Intervention Order (IVO) is a Court Order can prohibit another person from:

  • being near you.
  • being near your house/work/school/childcare.
  • contacting you.
  • following or trying to find you.
  • publishing things about you online.
  • getting anyone else to do these things for them.

or any combination of these restrictions.

If the other person (called the Respondent) is a family member, a Family Violence Intervention Order (FVIVO) is usually applied for. If they are a friend or other non-family member, a Personal Safety Intervention Order (PSIVO) is usually applied for.

If you are fearful of your physical or psychological safety, you can apply yourself via the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria website –  You can apply for protect yourself and/or any child aged under 18 years who lives with you. In higher-risk cases, Victoria Police can apply on your behalf.

The Magistrate will first assess the application without the Respondent there. If the Court determines there are safety concerns, the Court can grant an interim (temporary) IVO. Irrespective of who applied for the Order, the Police then ‘serve’ (personally deliver) the IVO to the Respondent. The IVO will legally start then and will run until the next Court date, often a few weeks later, when both parties attend.

Some cases end quickly and others can return to Court say 6 or 7 times.